Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Causes and symptoms of lung cancer

There are two main types of lung cancer namely the small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and the non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The SCLC is also known as oat cell cancer. Cancer can also arise from the supporting tissues such as blood vessels within the lungs. It can also develop from the pleura which are also called as mesotheliomas. 

One of the most common causes of lung cancer is prolonged exposure to smoking and tobacco. For the people who do not smoke, factors such as genetic transfers, exposure to random gases, passive smoking and hazardous air pollution can lead to the cause of lung cancer. 

The symptoms that may identify the lung cancer disease include dyspnea i.e. shortness of breath, chest pain or pain in the abdomen. Dysphonia is a symptom of lung cancer that leads to hoarse voice. Weight loss, fatigue and loss of appetite are also some of the common symptoms of lung cancer. Dysphagia which refers to difficulty in swallowing is another symptom of lung cancer. Some other uncommon symptoms of lung cancer include wheezing and clubbing of the fingernails. 

The cancer that affects the bronchi and bronchioles that support breathing, leads to breathing problems. This may result in pneumonia and hemoptysis i.e. bleeding while coughing. If it spreads to brain then in that case the lung cancer may also lead to blur vision and seizures. If the lung cancer spreads to bones then it usually results in pain in the vertebrae, thigh bones and the ribs.
You can confirm about the lung cancer by going through biopsy and chest radiograph. The treatment method to be followed is decide by a number of factors including the type of cancer (SCLC or NSCLC), the stage in which it is detected as well as the personal well being of the patient. Cancer chemotherapy, surgery and radiology are some of the common treatments for curing lung cancer.

Patients suffering from this type of cancer are often given lung cancer chemotherapy as it is proved efficient to kill the cancer cells present in the lungs. A combination of different drugs is either given through pills or is injected in the veins of the patient in such conditions. However, though effective, lung cancer chemotherapy comes with side effects that may go away during or after the treatment is over. Some of the side effects of chemotherapy are hair loss, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, loss of appetite, etc. It is advised to contact your doctor whenever any of these or any other side effects are experienced by the patients.

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